Ledger Hardware# Wallet$ledger live wallet

Step 5: Backing Up Your Recovery Phrase

After setting up the PIN, the Ledger device will generate a 24-word recovery phrase. Write down these words in the exact order provided and keep them in a secure location. This recovery phrase is crucial for accessing your funds in case the hardware wallet is lost, damaged, or stolen. Never share this recovery phrase with anyone and store it offline.

Step 6: Confirming Your Recovery Phrase

To ensure you have correctly written down the recovery phrase, the will ask you to confirm a selection of words from the list. Follow the on-screen instructions and select the words in the order they were given during the setup process.

Step 7: Installing Ledger Live

Ledger Live is the official software application for managing your cryptocurrencies on your Ledger hardware wallet. Visit the Ledger website and download the appropriate version of Ledger Live for your operating system. Install the application and follow the on-screen instructions to set it up.

Step 8: Adding Accounts and Managing Cryptocurrencies

Once is installed, open the application and connect your Ledger device. Follow the prompts to add cryptocurrency accounts to your wallet. Ledger Live supports a variety of cryptocurrencies, and you can easily manage and monitor your portfolio within the application.